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Signature Premier Program
Designing the Life YOU Envision Professionally & Personally 




Our Designing the Life YOU Envision Professionally & Personally signature premier program is exclusively created for  Ack Professional.  ​

This Signature program by Ack Professional provides 16 sessions that allows the client to understand their purpose.  Learning and acknowledging your true self that will create a vision for you.  When you have a purpose, you can then outline the goals for you to get there and provide the strategy.   Confront the fears you face focusing on what you need to be the best version of YOU. 

Fueled by a passion to empower others to achieve their greatest potential in life.  The Designing the Life you Envision Professionally & Personally coaching program will empower you to find the clarity for you to create your own unique purpose in life, envisioning your future within your own integrity, instilling the mindset to achieve your success, outlining a strategy and the confidence to succeed. 

Join our Founder, Michele Lee virtually for 1:1 coaching session(s) where we will walk through the many areas in your life finding clarity for you to achieve your greatest success within your own personal integrity.  

In this 16 week coaching program we will walk through and find clarity (both career and personal) following your values, beliefs. Understanding what your motivators are.  We will walk through the mindsets that are holding you back from achieving your greatest potential and outline an efficient strategy for you to achieve what your life is expecting of you professionally & personally. Creating the vision for your future success.

It is a known fact that those individuals that live within their integrity live their best life and are fulfilled.

 The truth of who we are is so essential to your success that its absence takes a heavy toll, typically causing us to loose a sense of self, our vision of personal goals, and close relationships.  Many turning to alternative means to reach that fulfillment to fill the void. 

Discover your own personal truth, learning and acknowledging your true feelings isn’t easy, but it is very liberating and will create a vision for you.  When you have a purpose you can then outline the goals for you to get there.  

Accommodating the needs of others and not our own often leads us to only reveal what is expected of us for our family and friends, this in turn, renders us unable to differentiate our true selves. Failing to live as a differentiated person leads to a sense of emptiness and unfulfillment.

If you want to live a fulfilled life, you must understand first who you truly are. Your purpose, your why.  This will not happen when you are stuck in fear and doubt, and certainly does not happen when you numb and disconnect from yourself. Such emotions that easily surfaced from the pandemic.

Do you know your true path in life and what you want to contribute to the world?

Are your passions, values, desires and motivation in line?

Are you uninspired in life and just doing the tasks and motions and finding yourself not fulfilled?  

Are you seeking alternative means such as drugs and alcohol possibly smoking to provide fulfillment in your life?  

Gaining a sense of who you are and your purpose is the greatest knowledge you will ever acquire.

What happens without knowing your true self:

It becomes difficult to make decisions that are right for you and your life.

You become overwhelmed by emotion but feel your emotions do not matter.

It is almost automatic to try to numb and disconnect from how your truly feel.

Likely you feel you are constantly making improvements in your life but with no direction of knowing your purpose to the goals you have achieved leaving little satisfaction and fulfillment in your life.  

Are following a path that is not right for you?

Are you a pessimist or optimist?

Learn optimism. Face the fears that confront you.  Create a mindset for your success. Optimism will get so much more done in life than pessimism.

Recognize those emotions, and understand that like a storm, they will pass, and afterward you will be able to make decisions and choices for yourself and bond on your values and beliefs.

Being the best version of yourself. Outlining your path.  Designing the life, you envision professionally & personally.

Join this signature coaching program where you will find a clearer sense of your true self.  Understanding you, more on your purpose and what motivates you moving forward.      

Then, strategically outlining the strategy for you to get there.

This premier program by Ack Professional will provide direct 1:1 session for designing the life you envision with Michele Lee remotely. In this coaching experience, 16 sessions included and sessions are scheduled once every 7-14 days.   

​Why decide to join Ack Professional now?

Michele Lee is a premier peak performance coach and will get you the results you seek to achieve. She is well educated in the coaching arena, with certifications in psychology and leadership, addiction recovery and provides her experience under the nation’s best.  Empowering individuals to transition to the life they have always sought to achieve. She will empower you to achieve your greatest success.

Face the fears and schedule your complimentary discovery session.  This signature premier program is where you will gather the greatest sense of who you are and what your true purpose is in this world and move forward into the future.  Reclaiming the life you have always believed in achieving and is the best version of you. 

Now is the best time to begin understanding more on you and the life you wish to achieve outlining your path for you to come out of the pandemic moving forward in the future within your integrity with the life you wish to achieve and confidence to succeed. 

There is limited availability for this signature program to assure our clients receive the maximum results. Those interested in attending, please apply below.  Once the application is received, we will be in touch on your application.  

Just imagine what life will be like when you are full of happiness and gratitude living the life you designed.  Outlining the strategy to your success.  The first step to achieve this life is to begin committing to be the best version of you with a world class coach.


Be the best version of you.   Use code AckPro to apply below.   




”Self-reflection entails asking yourself questions about your values, assessing your strengths and failures, thinking about your perceptions and interactions with others, and imagining where you want to take your life in the future.” – Robert L. Rosen


“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” – Henry David Thoreau


“You must be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Ghandi




Signature Premier Design the Life Coaching Program:

Ack Professional Life Coaching Signature Premier Design the Life Coaching Program will encompass the following:



Includes analysis and questionnaire with client.   Disc Assessment and analysis included.  


Coaching Sessions

16 sessions.  Each session is for 45 minutes. Personalized 1:1 coaching with  Coach and the Client.  Sessions will take place every 7 to 14 days.



Monthly feedback



You will be held responsible to complete the actions that are applied from each of the sessions.


In order to receive the maximum benefits, you need to commit to a consistent schedule that best suits you.  

Program can be transitioned to in person coaching in office or via pool side session (space limited) at specific locations.  

Please begin by completing the application at the above link.  A welcome package will be provided outlining all details to those accepted. 


 As a client of Ack Professionals, we will be available to you between sessions for brief text or emails.  You will also have access to our journal and blog posts.  

Designing the Life YOU Envision Professionally & Personally.


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