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Let the Angels Guide You

Updated: Apr 16


Hello welcome to our latest session.  I am Michele Lee Occhipinti, Founder of Ack Professional International. 


Let the Angels guide you in this story in your journey and join me in this spiritual guidance for the soul to move you forward in the life you envision.


Angels are divine beings of love and light, sent here to protect, heal and guide us on our journey through life. They work for our peace and happiness and are here to help us fulfill our life's mission on earth.

They send us messages of inspiration and wisdom to guide us through difficult times in our lives or warnings to protect us from danger. The messages can be quite subtle - something as simple as a hint, nudge or feeling.


Angels as we know are a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messengers, conventionally represented in eloquent form with wings and a long white robe:

A person of exemplary conduct or virtue: 


When I was born the story has been said that when I arrived from the hospital, lying in my bassinet in my parents’ bedroom three angels were seen overlooking me in my bassinet.  At first when I heard the story at a young age, I was partially onboard with its truth but as I grew older I began to truly believe these angels have guided me throughout this life.


Without them I am unsure I would be here today. 

These angels have given me faith, hope and happiness guiding me through this life.  Through the most challenging of times.


My life has not been an easy ride but where I am is exactly where I am supposed to be. 


You see, my life is a truly great novel where I have all control of the stories ending.  Yes I know no one truly knows what tomorrow will bring.  But do you know each decision you make today leads to your future?  My life could have turned much differently.  I choose to focus on areas that empower me.  The decisions I have made have landed me where I am today.  Thankful my angels have helped guide me in my decisions and move me forward in life knowing those decisions were the best for me in this life. 

Some angels such as mine have given me signals such as a sense that they are near and visioning them looking over me guiding me to the next decision. 




Our life gives us an opportunity to choose, remembering to make the choices that your future self would like to thank you for later.


Whether they are business decisions or leadership principles, you will want to stand by, in any event, you want to be able to look back and say "I made the right choice".

Start today by making decisions and resolutions that not only provide you well but also lead toward the future where you want to be.  Remember the following principles. 

1. Integrity is forever.  Success will come and go.  Never make room for a thought or action that is not based on your personal values. Ground every decision, personal and professional, in what you believe.  Follow through and live in a way that gives no reason for another to speak poorly about you for if they had, no one would believe it.

2. Believe in yourself. Acknowledge your skills and your strengths and work hard at attaining your goals.  When no one else believes in you, you believe in yourself, when they say it cannot be done follow through and make it happen.-when they say you don't have the experience to be a leader, start a business, or the skills to be your own boss, -do everything you have control of to make a point that you do.

3. Be grateful and full of appreciation for what you have presently. When we focus on what we don't have that will lead us to self doubt, see and appreciate and use your current resources. There are so many people in todays world that would love to have what you have right now. Be thankful for what you have, it will open your mind to greater appreciation and opportunity in the future.

4. BE in the moment.  When times get tough and you are challenged you can let it destroy you, or you can use it to empower and strengthen you. The choice is yours. Even the most successful people have had times of many failure. Understanding you have not failed unless you stop trying.  Learn well from the experience and what you will do better next time to be successful in the future.

5. Let go of your limited beliefs and what is holding you back and embrace the challenge.  The most successful people let go of what was, accept what is, and have faith in what will happen.

6. Control what you have control of daily.  Concentrate on what you can control right now and that's mostly your own attitudes, actions and ultimately your decisions. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing.  Be you. 

7. Make time for what is most important presently. Get your priorities straight. Your priorities are in every action you take every day, so make sure you stay focused on what's most important.  Follow through with the strategy that allows you to make it all happen.

8. Learn from others that hold the success you seek today. Learn from those that currently hold the success and can get you closer to your goal.   There are some who will change your whole world if you listen, and others that provide the knowledge and spirit to cross the finish line. If you trust them, honor them by learning from them. 9. Choices today create our tomorrow. It doesn't matter what you've done, but what you choose to do from here. Each day provides a new opportunity for the future.  Your past does not equal your future you can change it today.  Successful people don't look back, but learn and grow making amends when needed. Once that's done, focus on choosing what truly matters and pursuing it passionately. 

10. Assess your values. Your value does not decrease based on someone else's inability to see your worth. The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to walk away. Surround yourself with people that lift you up in life to be your best.  Don't undermine yourself by being around people who are negative, who don't know your value. Never ever settle for anything less than what you deserve.


When your future self looks back, you want to be able to say "I embraced all that I had to offer and I am worthy of the success I have achieved’. Say it again "I embraced all that I had to offer and I am worthy of the success I have achieved’. The words you use provide the focus to the energy.

The decisions you make today will lead you to your destiny. Choose your decisions wisely. 

What are some of the choices you can make today that will lead to your future self?  Is that decision who you want to be?


 My angels appear in my dreams and for many years these angels give me notifications and what we call head up that this is coming your way.  So I often pay attention to those dreams in detail so I am not surprised and overwhelmed when it happens. 

Some say dreams are windows to the soul. Others argue that the soul is more “awakened” when you’re dreaming. In the dream state, you’re more receptive to receiving messages and premonitions. That’s because we don’t have the blockages and distractions that we do when we’re wide eyed.

Take the time when you awake and have a dream to write it down. 

Out of all the dreams that have guided me in this life that were sending me messages from the angels were:

Before each of my children were born I never knew if I was having a girl or a boy.  In my dream before my son was born, I dreamed of a boy, and yes my first born is a boy.

Again, before my daughter was born I did not know if I was having a girl or a boy.  In my dream I saw a beautiful girl with wild black hair.  That being said, my daughter was born and full of black what we liked to call porcupine hair. 

Prior to my sisters passing .. this one is always challenging to me as the dream sometimes puts me in a place that will happen in my life, such as the dream of a waterfall I had on several evenings.  I asked myself if there was some vacation that was planned and there was not at the time, at my sister's service as I arrived at the funeral home there was the waterfall that was in my dream.  It was heartbreaking but knew my angels were with me and her at that time.

I've literally dreamed of my husband before I met him, in the dream it him in napa valley wearing a white coat and light shining over him, the voice said, he is the one for you with a white coat of which I thought he was a doctor.

It's like the angels sent my husband to me.


My angels visit me when they sense I am having a difficult time and give me clues to challenges ahead. 

And help me in giving guidance to myself and others in this world when facing challenging and difficult times to make the right decision. 


When you are presented with a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives.  Here are some steps you can take:


1.        Acknowledge what the DECISION(S) is that you are seeking to achieve:


What results are you seeking?


2.        Then consider, what your OPTIONS are to the DECISION.


Brainstorm, including those that initially may sound a bit beyond your reach.


3.        Now that you are there.  What are the CONSEQUENCES to the outcomes?


The Pros/ Cons or Ups/ Downs of each option?


4. Take the time to REVIEW and evaluate all your OPTIONS with each of their CONSEQUENCES.

What is the likelihood the consequence will occur?

How will it make you feel when you finally achieve the action(s)?

Now, eliminate some options from your list.

5. MITIGATE: Review the downside CONSEQUENCES for each of your remaining OPTIONS. Then, come up with alternative ways to eliminate or reduce possible downsides.

6. RESOLVE: Based on the most probable consequences, select the OPTION that provides the greatest assurance that you will meet your desired outcomes of your needs.

7. FINAL DECISION makes the final decision based on what happens, this option will give you the best win.

8. OUTLINE the strategy to your success.

There is much more to resolving a dilemma just know when you reach the decision it’s the right one for you and those you lead through the uncertain time.  Follow your integrity.  Let the angels guide you. 


The Angels have many, many ways to show you that they’re around. Sometimes, these Angel signs appear during unexpected or difficult life events when you’re in special need of hope, comfort, encouragement and connection. These highly vibrational beings are always with you to guide you safely on your path. And they’ll send little clues to let you know they’re by your side. All you have to do is ask for help and keep a lookout for these signs so you can fully appreciate their Angelic messages.


Signs that you may feel when angels are near to guide you:


1.) Angel orbs. Often found in the air, in photos, seen often when I am in my kitchen.

2.) White feathers in your path.  I have often run into white feathers when running past the lake near my home or when on a kayak ride. 

3.) Angel messengers in your dreams.

4.) Pets see something you don’t

Just like babies, pets can see and sense Angels around them. I’ve personally watched as Snowball Angel, my beautiful white Pomeranian, followed a glowing orb with her head as it floated from one side of the room all the way to the other side of the house. She often will move her head and focus around the room. 

5.) Angel clouds

As kids, we’ve all laid on the grass, trying to make out images in the clouds. When Angels are trying to communicate with us, they may send us meaningful symbols and shapes, like hearts, in the form of clouds. Or you could see wings – even a full Angel silhouette.


6.) Angel numbers:

Angel numbers come in various forms to communicate with you.  My birthday is the first of the month so 1 often stands out when they are communicating. 

The Angel number 11 is considered to be one of the most profound of all the Angel numbers. It’s associated with higher purpose, enlightenment and intuition.


7.) Angel voices

Yes, you can absolutely hear an Angel talking to you! The voice may sound like it’s coming from inside your head or outside of you, as though a physical person is speaking to you (but no one is around).

You may hear your name, helpful advice (“Take Oak Street instead of Spruce”) or just muffled voices.

8.) Physical sensations

If you’re experiencing tingling at the crown of your head, your Angels are close by. Some believe that the crown of the head is loosely correlated to an Angel’s halo, and that the Angels use this sensation to subtly communicate with us humans.

Or perhaps you notice a light touch on your hand. Or someone gently patting your hair when you’re feeling down. The Angels may be stopping by to reassure you that you’re not alone and they’re watching out for you.

Tip: What do you when you notice these sensations? It’s perfectly fine to acknowledge them. Say to the Angels:

Thank you Angels for revealing your presence and showering me with your never-ending love and support.

I like to say… Thank you for loving me and choosing me in this world.  I greatly appreciate your love, light and happiness. 


14. Unexpected interactions with animals

Animals such as hummingbirds, butterflies, swans, deer and dragonflies are commonly associated with the Angels. If one of these crosses your path unexpectedly, it could be a sign from the Angels. Each creature conveys a powerful spiritual meaning for your life.

I recall just last Spring when this beautiful butterfly landed at the top of my front stairs right in middle of my front door and graciously walked back and forth opening its wings for a good 20 minutes.  I was in aww but knew my angels were communicating with me and were near. 

Another time I recall vividly with the deer is shortly after my sister passed away I was walking down my long driveway and noticed a beautiful fawn in the bush.  It sat quietly for some time staring at me and at that moment I felt at ease and calm visioning my sister communicating with me that she was ok and moving forward in the afterlife.  The fawn later got up and walked for what it looked like the very first time following its mother close by. 


Animals just like the white feather, are important to keep perspective. If you’re visiting a butterfly preserve, seeing a butterfly it doesn’t necessarily denote an Angelic connection. However if a multitude of butterflies creates a unique formation before you, well now we’re on to something. Understand more on the spiritual meaning of butterflies.


How many of these Angel signs have you encountered in your life? Share your stories of your Angel in the comments.

Now in life remember there is no such thing as perfection. 

Think about this.  If everything was perfect for you just as you intended it to be where would you be? Happy or simply bored out of your mind knowing what tomorrow will bring? 


We are all here for a purpose and to contribute to the earth leaving it better then when we arrived, finding your purpose will lead to life fulfillment.  Don’t strive to make life perfect strive to make it the life you believe in and follow your integrity.  You don't want to regret your journey here. 


When focusing on areas in your life to achieve ultimate fulfillment I often go back to the basics with my clients to move them forward.   The top areas each of require in life in order to achieve maximum fulfillment in our life are. 

Certainty / Confidence

Uncertainty/ Variety

Significance and Importance

Love and Connection with others on the earth

Growth in areas that are important to you.

Contribution to the world.


And of course…


Our Purpose.

The purpose of these angels is to guide me on this earth through a journey of inspiration, hope and peace to help others in need.  I’ve realized throughout my life that those angels chose me and are here training me in life for me to help others in this world.  I am truly grateful for their support.


Now, I am here to help you through your journey.   Just an ordinary angel.   Not perfect but being trained to be my higher self.


Let the angels guide you along your journey in life for you to be your best self.   Understand your truth it will set you free. 


Thank you for joining me in this session today.  I hope this was helpful for you to move forward in your own life.  Letting the angels guide you in creating your own story to be your best self in the life you vision. 


Be the best version of you. 



Listen to our latest Audio session Let the Angels Guide You on Aura

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